Sports are back!

Encouraging healthy lifestyles has always been a priority of the Boys & Girls Clubs. Thirty (30) years ago we incorporated official sports leagues into the Clubs and our Clubs have never been the same. Our sports program started with 33 kids playing football at the East Fresno Club. It has evolved into one of the largest programs we offer with organized leagues in football, indoor soccer, baseball, and disc golf.  More members are involved in Club sports than ever before.

“Everyone is given an opportunity to play,” said Ron Zisler, Boys & Girls Clubs Director of Operations and former East Fresno Unit Director. “We serve every kid that comes through our doors no matter where they come from.”

The pandemic put a short-term halt to organized sports, but this year you can sign up for any of our in-house leagues. Basketball was the first sport to make a comeback in January, ending in March with a popular March Madness Tournament held at the Zimmerman Club. By the time indoor soccer sign-ups started in February, families were lining up to be a part of it. Almost 100 members participated in indoor soccer and Club staff anticipate there will be more next year. Clubs that participated included Zimmerman, East Fresno, West Fresno, Clovis, Mendota, and Firebaugh.

How it works

Thanks to an All-Star Grant from Buffalo Wild Wings our organization receives $5,000 a year and custom uniforms for each league throughout the year. Approximately two months before the season starts, you can find sign-up sheets at every Club. All BGC members are welcome. If a Club has enough players, teams are formed and separated into age groups. Members are welcome at any location in Fresno County so no one is left out. Clubs practice and compete in games against other Fresno County BGC Clubs. At the end of every season, a banquet is held to celebrate the season and award trophies to the winners. Winners are those who have consistent attendance and demonstrate good character and leadership.

“I’ve seen what happens when kids are cut from a team and are told they are not good enough. I was one of those kids,” said Ron Zisler. “Here, there are no cuts—you belong and we help you get better.”

Indoor Soccer

The Boys & Girls Club indoor soccer season started in March of this year and the communities that surround participating Clubs were beyond excited. Four divisions with four teams each competed. The final game was on Saturday, May 14th and the awards banquet was held the following Tuesday, both at the East Fresno Club. Families were invited to celebrate with us and team photos were taken. Every soccer player received a participation medal. Members with 70% participation were given small trophies; members with 100% participation were awarded medium-sized trophies, and three special players were chosen to receive the Golden Ball Award—these are large, gold, soccer ball-shaped trophies awarded to those who demonstrated good character and leadership throughout the season.

The winners of the 2022 Golden Ball Awards were Francisco (age 10), Iker (age 11), and Nathan (age 12).

“The Club taught me to always try your best and never give up. That is what I told my team too,” said Nathan.

Indoor soccer was a success because those who participated learned how to work as a team, how to lead others, and how to never give up. Sport programs in the Clubs are powerful. They require staff who recognize potential in our members and encourage them try. We are grateful for families who trust the Club with their children’s passions—we don’t take them lightly. We will always be here to help them reach their full potential.

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