Small Clubhouse, Big Impact

How a School Project touched our Hearts in Huron

Sometimes we don’t see the impact the club makes— we just hope our words and actions, as well as the programs we help the young people that come through our doors reach their full potential. Once in a while members surprise us by showing us their appreciation in ways we didn’t imagine. This was true for the Harris Farms Boys & Girls Club when Juan (age 7) showed up after school proudly holding his first place school project. The assignment at school was to create a place you love to be in—he built a 3D replica of the Boys & Girls Clubhouse.

“I got 100% on my assignment and won first place for what I created. My mom is so proud!” said Juan.

When asked why he chose the Clubhouse for his school project, he told us how much the Club means to him. Juan has been able to do a lot of fun activities at the Club like robotics, making jewelry, playing pool and gardening. It’s a safe place where kids can be themselves and explore.

“Juan is usually shy but the day he came in with his project, he was beaming. And I was touched by all the effort he made in representing the Club—down to the color of the walls. We have his project displayed in the Club now!” said Harris Farms Club Unit Director, Gustavo Gonzalez.

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