Q & A with Caring Staff

Jennifer Simmons, Oakhurst Club

Q. Hi Jenn. I am super excited to ask you some questions today.
A. I am excited to answer them.

Q. These questions are a good chance to let the community know what you’re all about and why you do what you do. So let’s get started. Here is an simple one. How long have you been with the Boys & Girls Clubs?
A. 7 years.

Q. Why did you start to work for the Boys & Girls Club 7 years ago?
A. I have always loved working with kids, I volunteered in all my son’s classes and had been coaching youth in sports since I was in high school. While in college I was studying to become a social worker but life took me another way, eventually I was looking for a career change and happened to see an ad in the local paper for a position at the club. I was so excited to mentor youth and create opportunities for them in their own community.  I want to help others and I enjoy watching people grow and succeed.

Q. Has that reason changed over the years?
A. The only thing that has changed for me since my first day is that I am completely invested in all the families I serve. I want to do more for my community, to help more and to stay connected to the youth and their families.

Q. What is your favorite part about being a Club Director?
A. My favorite part about this job is watching a member’s interest spike after you have taught them something in a program or taking them on a field trip to somewhere they have never been. I have taken so many kids to the beach, camping trips, university visits, etc.  You would be surprised how many children have never seen the ocean, who never spent the night in a tent or has never had anyone talk to them about what happens after high school. I feel honored to have this position in my community, to make memories with the members that for them will last a lifetime.

Q. Is there a specific story you want to share?
A. The day I knew the impact the club had on the youth of my community is a memorable one. Prior to COVID, the Oakhurst club had to shut down due to financial reasons, at the time we were seeing well over 100 kids per day. A call to action meeting for the community was immediately planned and members began to speak. One by one members got up in front of a crowd of adults and they told them what the club meant to them.  I want to say about 15 to 20 kids spoke that night, from as young as 2nd grade all the way through seniors in high school.

Q. Wow that’s powerful. Then what happened?
A. Their passion and love for the club is what motivated our community to raise the funds possible to open our club back up, when I think about what my job is, I think about each of those kids speaking and that is what continues to push me.  

Q. How do you feel about your community members after that and now?
A. The Mountain Community has been great supporters of the club. We are only open because the generosity of community members. We do not have a big sponsor, rather we have a community full of sponsors who love and cherish what we do here. I am extremely grateful for the community that I live in and that the club is a part of.  

Q. That’s amazing. Is there anything you are looking forward to in regards to event at the Club?
A. As we adjust to our ever-changing climate, I look forward to the days ahead where we can bring more youth back into our clubhouse. The Oakhurst Club hosts a basketball league every winter with over 150 kids participating, this year I am hopeful that we can continue the tradition and add more kids to our rosters. Our teens in Keystone look forward to getting back out into the community as well-- volunteering and creating their own service projects.

Jose Pioquinto, Clovis Club

Q. Hi Jose, How are you? Ready to tell us a little bit about you?
A. I’m doing great. Yes, I’m ready. Shoot.

Q. How long have you been with the Boys & Girls Clubs?
A. This will be my fifth year working with the Boys & Girls Club.

Q. Why did you start to work for BGC? Has that reason changed over the years?
A. I started to work with the Boys & Girls Clubs because I wanted to gain experience working with youth. After five years, I have the experience and am loving every minute of it.

Q. What is your favorite part about the job?
A. My favorite part about my job is teaching our members something new-- like a board game or sport—and getting to see their face expression once they master what they started.

Q. Is there a specific story you want to share about a member?
A. Not one, but a group of members from the different sports teams I coach-- such as basketball, soccer and football. While coaching the members taught me how to create unity as we all helped each other grow as a person on the court as well as off the court.

Q. Very cool Jose. Is there anything happening in your Club soon that you’re really looking forward to?
A. I always look forward to our Youth of the Year event because that’s when our teens get to tell their story and experiences about the club. They really shine.

Samantha Sierras Paredes, East Fresno Club

Q. Hi Sam, How are you?
A. I’m great. I’m excited to answer your questions.

Q. Great, I know this will help our community get to know you and understand our hearts behind what we do. Let’s get started. How long have you been with the Boys & Girls Clubs?
A. I have been a part of the Boys and Girls Club movement for about 10 years.

Q. Why did you want to be a part of the Boys & Girls Clubs?
A. When I first came to the movement, I was looking for a change in life. I had a Master Teacher certificate for Pre-school and loved what I did. I wanted to broaden my horizon and work with older kids as well and this felt like the perfect way.

Q. Has that reason changed over the years?
A. My “whys” have never changed. Working with the next generation is my biggest reason. When we invest in the life of a child, we invest in the future of our world.
My second “why” is being able to provide a safe place for not only members but for parents. If we can secure a place where parents know their children are receiving help in homework, developing life skills, and staying out of trouble then why aren't more of us doing this?
My third biggest why is FUN! There is nothing and I mean nothing better than the smiles, belly laughs, and gratitude we receive from our kiddos. Some would never have the chance to do or go to some of these things if it wasn't for the hard work, planning, and fun we put into this movement and into their lives.

Q. Well said Sam. Belly laughs are pretty awesome. What is your favorite part about the job?
A. All of it! Can I say that? Well okay, I guess I am not all that jazzed about the paperwork we do but I know it is important and it helps us connect our clubs to the community. I guess my favorite part is the members. The ones that come back and tell us what a difference we made for them. We make an impact that lasts far beyond the years that we have them here and it's my favorite part to watch. 

Q. Is there a specific story you want to share?
A. If you know a teen, you know that they are hard to crack. They don't talk much if they don't know you, and they really don't trust you farther than they can throw. A goal of mine is talk to each teen for at least five minutes a day to try and gain a better sense of who they are. What can we offer that they need and want? Who are they and what's happening in their world?
They teach me every day what grace is about. They are feisty sometimes but their world is hard. Their life at home may be hard and I have to keep that in mind daily. We have a few teens that sit in my office daily and tell me about what's happening to them, I have a couple that come to me and ask for help if they need something, a shirt, shoes for school or whatever they may be lacking.
This isn't really a specific story, but I love my kids and they have a huge piece of my heart, and these teens are slowly trusting me and coming to me and I couldn't ask for more.

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