Cooking with Kim: A New Addition to the Zimmerman Club


Thanks to a generous donation by Community Medical Center, a new class was added to the Healthy Habits Program at the Zimmerman Boys & Girls Club—Cooking with Kim.

The healthy habits program allows members to participate in activities that will emphasize healthy life choices including; exercise, healthy eating, and mental wellness. Cooking with Kim is a class that has been in the works for quite some time. Since Program Assistant Kim Carter joined the team, cooking has been an interest at Zimmerman.

“Giving our members the knowledge and skills to cook is such an essential part of life,” say Kim Carter, “Being able to teach members how to cook their favorite meals with healthy alternatives has been a success!”

The first class was on September 24th and plans for a bi-weekly class is set. Members get hands on cooking experience while learning about different cultures and foods.

“Giving our kids the opportunity to try new things and have fun learning is such an amazing experience. I am thankful for the wonderful support this program gives,” says Kim.

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