We Are Grateful For You: Thanksgiving Dinners

Throughout the week, support from our community was evident. Many of our Club families received a Thanksgiving dinner or to-go meals from generous donors, like Affinity Truck Center, Unity Cultural Foundation, and local philanthropic clubs like; Millennium Riders, Boss Up Queens, Unique Women and Full Throttle. Families were grateful, and the generosity from the community wasn’t a surprise to them. “This isn’t our first time doing something like this. We go where the need is greatest,” said one donor. For the last 15 years, community members have been stepping up to give young people and their families a holiday dinner. “These dinners are great because we get to spend time with our member’s families and have a good time,” said Anna Smith, West Fresno Club Director. Times are tough, and many young people in our community may not get the luxury of a big sit-down dinner on Thanksgiving, but with caring adults and dollars donated by you, we can give kids moments like this.

Great moments like this lead to Great Futures.

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