Great Futures for Teens: Bank of America funds Teen Program

On Wednesday, July 6, Bank of America visited the Clovis Boys and Girls Club, presenting us  with a $25,000 check. This generous donation will fund the Career Launch Program in five clubs: East Fresno, West Fresno, Clovis, Selma, and Oakhurst Club.

Career Launch is a five-month program that teaches young people how to navigate the professional world. Throughout this program, members learn how to create resumes, fill out job applications, draft cover letters, and dress for interviews, among other career essentials. The goal is to equip members with the knowledge they need to be successful in their careers when they become adults.  At the end of the Career Launch curriculum, four members from each of the five clubs have the opportunity to became interns at their clubs and earn a stipend of $250.

After presenting the iconic “giant check” to our organization, the Bank of America team took an immersive tour of the club, led by Unit Director, Kim. Throughout the tour, the team expressed how impressed they were with the facilities that the club offers, including a library, Art Room, Game Room, full-size gym, and so much more!

Some of the kids, eager to meet the new visitors, joined in on the tour and described their club experience to the Bank of America team. One member even showed the group her Popsicle stick model of the club—a project she has been working on for days. The tour ended with the Bank of America team getting to shoot some hoops in the gym with our basketball-enthused members

 After making some three-point shots, everybody went back inside to participate in a fun activity led by Kim, Marisa, and the other Bank of America staff. Everyone made vibrant, colorful flowers out of coffee filters, and pipe cleaners. The kids jumped at the opportunity to show the Bank of America team their vivid patterns and fancy designs, and the team was very eager to walk the kids through assembling their flowers. Marisa even taught a group of especially excited children to make more intricate flowers, fulfilling their creative wishes.

Overall, Kim and the Bank of America team fostered an environment that was both fun and meaningful for the children, and the kids were sad to see them go.  Moments like this prove how every gift, whether it is a cash donation or a donation of your time, makes a difference.

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