Fitness in the Club

How Planet Fitness Engaged with our East Fresno Club

The weight room at the East Fresno Club has been completely renovated by our local partner, Planet Fitness. Previously the room was dark, outdated, and unsafe to use. Teens can now use the weight room safely and our staff members have the opportunity to teach them proper usage of the weights and help them improve in their fitness journey.

“This gym pushes me to become the healthiest me,” said East Fresno Teen Member and 2021 Youth of the Year nominee, Tony Leyva.

On Thursday December 2nd, personal trainers from Planet Fitness came to the East Fresno Club to celebrate the re-opening of the weight room. They also engaged with our teens in personalized workouts and played a game of dodgeball with the whole Club. Planet Fitness values a healthy lifestyle and is known for their “Judgment Free Zones”—two things we value as well.

Thank you Planet Fitness!

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