Open Gym in West Fresno

The West Fresno Club has reopened their gym thanks to the Rotary Club of Fresno. For some time, that particular part of the Club had water damage to the walls, old paint, and outdated gym equipment.

“We’ve struggled with keeping the gym dry. An outside wall would leak and completely flood half the gym on rainy days and it ruined our walls,” said Anna Smith, West Fresno Club Unit Director, “the severe water damage forced us to temporarily close the gym down.”

Renovations included repairing the water damage, buying new gym equipment, and repainting the walls and doors.

“Kids are able to enjoy the gym like before and we’ve even hired a new program assistant to run programs in the gym too,” said Anna.

The Rotary Club of Fresno has been a huge supporter of our mission and our vision for Fresno’s youth. Our enrichment programs are part of our formula for impact. Without the right spaces, it can be difficult to make a daily impact on young people’s lives. Thankfully we can count on generous supporters and friends of the Club to be there for us when times are tough.

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